Each group of possible features is briefly explained and discussed in the lectures. Fantastic course. Features available to Coursera Organization users. Air quality dossier. So they're preferring this situation in spite of the fact they know that their colleagues having the same qualification in France, in Netherlands, in Germany, are receiving a salary which can be five, six times higher than the salary they receive. Is the both in polls as we have at the moment including the newly introduced enforcement directive, is this policy effective according to you? We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. This also means that you will not be able to purchase a Certificate experience. So, we can see that there are three main categories in how there are problems with the implementation of directive. That's the only way to come to one standard. The course starts by introducing the main concepts such as policy and the policy process, and includes a discussion of what decision-making is. The Program is offered at the discretion of Coursera, and Coursera reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or modify the Program, these Terms, the Rewards, conditions of participation, or any other aspect of the Program, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice, even though such changes may affect Rewards already earned. It's quite beneficiary really. Unfortunately, not. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. Required reading: Time, capacity and culture, Required reading: Policy fit and related explanations, Required reading: Behavioral explanations: interests and veto players, Required reading: Involvement of regional and local governments in implementation, Wiki on the organization of implementation, Research Assignment 4: How is the policy implemented? How do governments make sure that the air you breathe is clean? And there was no fines for companies that would basically play these tricks. No, not at all. How is the Student / Basic plan different from Coursera Plus? The normal posting is for about six months, that's it. Air quality dossier, How is the European policy implemented? Who's responsible, and who coordinates implementation? If you only want to read and view the course content, you can audit the course for free. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. is an online course offered by the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Universiteit Leiden in the Netherlands. EU POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION: MAKING EUROPE WORK! The theory is quite good and the law is stipulated very good. And for example, we see that with Belgium where the directive says that people who don't work, they have to provide evidence that they have sufficient resources not to be on social assistance, but the directive also says that the member states cannot impose a minimum fixed amount of these resources. Construction Engineering and Management Certificate, Machine Learning for Analytics Certificate, Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Certificate, Sustainabaility and Development Certificate, Master's of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. Does it help? In our opinion, this is not true because what the commission is trying to do, it is just to ensure that these employees coming from Eastern Europe, working on posting directive abroad are let us say, have a decent salary, and they are paid accordingly with the universal applicable collective labor agreement in the sector they are going to work abroad. I asked him, "What are you doing here because you went, you got your pension?" What is or what are in your view the main challenges in implementing this residence policy? Do you let's say, try to see whether there is a problem with posting? Research on implementation in which you can make comparisons between different countries or areas. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. Each group of possible features is briefly explained and discussed in the lectures. Not because they are better, not because they work harder, but because they're cheaper. Thank you Mr Steunenberg, UL and Coursera for making this happen. Are there any problems with the implementation? And who is responsible? Residence rights dossier, Research assignment 3: How is the policy formulated? Yeah, I think, that the fiscal agency in Romania, in a way, endorsed the position of the transport companies in the Western Europe, which complied about the low payment level offered by the Romanian transport companies to these truck drivers, and because of this, the agency have took this measure in obliging practically the transport companies to pay correctly the taxes for the entire amount of money paid to these employees, because they consider that transport, Romanian transport companies, just speculated that posting worker directive in order to diminish the wage cost for this type of truck drivers. © 2021 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. So by the time posted workers who been posted for a long time, return to whether it's Romania, or Portugal, or Poland, they will have a very non-existence social security. policy coherence and implementation at EU level to back up our national solutions. But it doesn't say anywhere that it has to be a gross minimum wage. Or because you are about to retire, you will find that your Social Security is basically sick. So, is the policy effective according to you? We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. We focus on how implementation of these policies is organized in the member states. In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. The course may not offer an audit option. It may be transposition, it may be the application by the national authorities, or it may be enforcements by the national courts. Furthermore, in the last lecture we turn our perspective to the international context within which the EU operates. You will be able to do research together in your own local setting. Required reading: What can go wrong with implementation? EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. Of course, we can do a lot but we are quite limited in what we can do in a number of cases that we can tackle. You can see that the paper is willing. Adopted legal measures may also require further specification, which brings us to the preparation and adoption of delegated and implementing acts. Start instantly and learn at your own schedule. In this video, I will tell you about coursera free courses and how to enroll in these courses. Three different directions of change are discussed in the lectures: (a) the ambition to close the European policy cycle by connecting ex-post evaluations with consultations and impact assessments as tools to prepare for new legislation; (b) introducing more experimentation to obtain better results, and (c) focusing on decentralization as a way of bringing back policymaking power to member states, regional governments or even local government. Fantastic course. is an online course offered by the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Universiteit Leiden in the Netherlands. It is shown that in making a decision the decided outcome is not always the most socially desirable state of … Coursera’s Workforce Recovery Initiative includes free access to about 90% of the catalog of courses and certificate programs available on the Coursera platform. Most of the salary is actually a net salary. Until 2016, what we saw was that it's basically the monitoring of the law which is a problem, because we have all these institutions which are part of the field, the tax office, as if we have the inspector, and then we have private partners governing part of the laws. Upon completing the course, your electronic Certificate will be added to your Accomplishments page - from there, you can print your Certificate or add it to your LinkedIn profile. In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. Residence rights and posting dossiers, What is the European policy? And there's a little more on paper about what companies have to present when they come to work here. MOOC MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work! Residents rights and posting dossiers, How is implementation nationally organized? And there are still significant number of instances where the national rules either incorrectly transposed the directive, or the national legislation fails to give an effect to the directive. Taught in English, the course is intended for any individual who is interested in learning more about how European policy affects daily life and is especially ideal for individuals working in public policy. Building on a diverse literature, this article examines European environmental policy-making and implementation since the 1970s. In this course, we learn how EU policy is made, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. What I can tell you is that in Romania, we have five Trade Union Confederations which strongly criticized the Romanian parliament in May this year when the Romanian parliament joined the other parliaments in the Central and Eastern Europe, in the procedure of the yellow card they initiated against the European Commission which this year prepared a new amending document for the posting worker directive. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. Leiden University is one of Europe's foremost research universities. Posting dossier, Research assignment 3: How is the policy formulated? I don't hear what the outcome is. React to the direction given by instructors, administrators, and other Coursera personnel in a respectful, positive manner. I think that if we look at the European level, the directive has been implemented, it is there to provide further expression to the rights contained on the treaty after the free movement of persons. So, we have to see what the effects of this new law is. Watch our trailer video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3nSN9R3VR4. Does the Commission act as the âguardian of the treatiesâ? International agreements, for example, can be yet another source for further European legislation. Why you feel it's not effective? Company branded, curated learning program experience for employees. For EU GDPR implementation, use guided documentation from our GDPR Academy with suggested policies, procedures and forms to respect the privacy rights and reach personal data protection. For technical difficulties or questions regarding the course certificate, you can always contact the Coursera Learner Helpdesk. Type product E-Learning. The course starts by introducing the main concepts such as policy and the policy process, and includes a discussion of what decision-making is. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. You can try a Free Trial instead, or apply for Financial Aid. In this course, we discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure by focusing on the various actors that are involved, but also presenting important theoretical perspectives and analytical frameworks. EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! Schrijf je in voor onze cursus: ‘EU policy and implementation, making Europe Work!’. Posting dossier, Research Assignment 2: What are the goals? This is what is happening right now. They earn quite a bit of salary for a Romanian worker in the Netherlands. That has been improved in 2016 under the last government. EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! Residence rights dossier, Research Assignment 1: What is the problem? Posting dossier, Research Assignment 1: What is the problem? Coursera’s cost depends on the type of online class. Great that you are joining us! It lowers your labor costs as a company with about 40%-50% This is why posting is very attractive. We have developed assignments in such a way that you can do research in your area and compare your findings with others. People have become more critical of EU policy and often seem to prefer local policy solutions in response to globalisation problems. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. Tons of problems. Air quality dossier, Walkthrough for assignment 2: Example for air quality dossier, Required reading: What can go wrong with EU decision-making, Required reading: Sectoral interest in the EU, Required reading: Brussels is always in a hurry, Required reading: EU policymaking from an international perspective, Research Assignment 2: What are the goals? This is what is happening at this moments. How is the policy implemented? In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. Required reading: Better regulation: legislation that will deliver? PRODUCT TOUR. And it may also be that the directive has been interpreted by the Court of Justice and it may be that the national authorities are unaware or willfully choose to ignore these rulings that give further interpretation to the directive. They blame them for losing their jobs and they start voting for parties which have is only solution, "We want to close our frontiers again. When will I have access to the lectures and assignments? Great course, I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot about policymaking and policy implementation. Focusing on EU decision-making, the main question is: what can go wrong in the European decision-making process over legal measures? We have developed assignments in such a way that you can do research in your area and compare your findings with others. Consulations, impact assessments and ex-post evaluations: closing the circle? After transposition, the actual implementation of policy starts. The funny thing is, for us it's a black box. Please join: 'EU policy and implementation: making Europe work'. Let's start. Basically they lose their jobs. Possibly, it doesn't work. And in this way, we can avoid let us say the social dumping, which in many situation, unfortunately, on posting of workers' operations can be observed. EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! It's entirely a beautiful idea in practice with 27 countries with their own laws, with their own regulations, with their own ways of investigating and ways of inspecting.
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