4 dicembre 2016

di | 9 Gennaio 2021

Una bocciatura provocherebbe blocco Paese e apertura nuovi conflitti", "Perché votare a favore della riforma costituzionale", "Referendum, il video della conferenza stampa", "Accordo Anpi-Arci per il no alla riforma del senato e per emendare la legge elettorale", "Speciale TgLa7 Referendum/ Anticipazioni e diretta streaming: in studio Giachetti e D'Alema", "Enrico Mentana pronto a moderare venerdì il duello televisivo tra Matteo Renzi e Gustavo Zagrebelsky sul referendum", "ASCOLTI TV VENERDI. Grandi Opere: Un tema scottante per l’Europa Facciamo un falò delle Grandi Opere Inutili e Imposte. After the proposals passed both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate twice, as required by Article 138 of the Italian constitution, Renzi announced that he would hold a referendum to secure the endorsement of the Italian people for the change. [9][10], Following the clear victory of the "No" vote, Renzi tendered his resignation as Prime Minister. The number of senators has been changed without accounting for their role in electing independent organs, such as the. 16 likes. Il Coordinamento dei Comitati No TAV ha approvato l’iniziativa dei FALO’ della 7ª Giornata Internazionale contro le Grandi Opere Inutili e Imposte (8 dicembre 2016) proposta dal 6° Forum contro le GPOII a Bayonne nel mese di Luglio 2016. [11] Paolo Gentiloni was selected as his replacement on December 11.[12]. The bicameral procedure works in a similar way to the current legislative procedure, in that bills must be approved in the same text by both houses to be enacted, and will be forwarded from one house to the other until approved by both. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. All concurrent matters are reassigned to either the State's or the regions' competence. It shares the legislative power with the Chamber of Deputies, but the vote of the Senate is only required to enact laws regarding specific matters. [15] These attempts were unsuccessful. After the budget was passed on 7 December, Renzi resigned that night. ", "Riforme, ddl approvato alla Camera. Mostra. However, the first real breakthrough occurred when Matteo Renzi, the new Secretary of the Democratic Party, was appointed Prime Minister in February 2014. DATE DI INVIO DEI PLICHI ELETTORALI. Comitato per il No al referendum scalda i motori", "Il sondaggio che manda a casa Renzi. In January 2016, announcing an October date for the referendum, Matteo Renzi stated that if his reforms were rejected he would resign as Prime Minister and leave politics. In questa pagina, si dà libero sfogo a tutte le cose che l'esito di questo referendum ha impedito di fare. Autoritario, non di sinistra. In 2011, with the financial crisis ensuing and Berlusconi forced to resign from the position of Prime Minister,[18] the Parliament reprised discussions on constitutional reforms at the urging of president Giorgio Napolitano. [105], In order to assure Italy stability, on 11 December 2016 President Sergio Mattarella gave Paolo Gentiloni the task of constituting a new government. IN 5,1 MLN per TALE e QUALE (23.3%), SQUADRA ANTIMAFIA AL 13.7%", "Ascolti tv, record per Otto e mezzo con Renzi e Travaglio: 2 milioni di spettatori, 9,35% di share", "Scontro Boschi-Salvini. (The pre-reform Constitution requires only 50,000 signatures to propose a bill but it doesn't require the Parliament to discuss it.). Maeci. Riforma Pa: “Beccare fannulloni”, "Renzi progetta un premierato forte e già lo pratica", "Riforme, Rodotà: "Avremo un governo padrone del sistema costituzionale" – Il Fatto Quotidiano", "Bertinotti: "L'ordine nuovo di Renzi. "Bertinotti: "Con Renzi la sinistra non esiste più... “Le riforme e lo spezzatino”, in Sole 24 ore, DICEMBRE 28, 2015, "Pd, Renzi lancia la campagna sul referendum costituzionale: "Deve essere battaglia unitaria, "Lupi: Sosterremo lavoro fatto, dicendo sì al referendum – Intervista a Libero", "Referendum, Verdini: "Fonderemo i comitati del sì, abbiamo partecipato e scritto queste riforme, "Renzi: stabilità a rischio se vince il no", "Riforma costituzionale, Enrico Zanetti: "Troppo importante per il Paese per concedersi il lusso di giocarci sopra una partita a poker, "Emma Bonino voterà sì al referendum, senza entusiasmo", "Referendum costituzionale, lʼallarme di Berlusconi: "Se passa la riforma entriamo in un regime, "Sinistra Italiana: Noi diciamo No. ", "May Hires Jim Messina for U.K. Conservative Election Team", "Renzi assume Jim Messina per risolvere i problemi del Pd (come consigliato dal Foglio mesi fa)", "Italian Constitutional Referendum 2016: yes or no", "Riforme, la distribuzione dei senatori per Regione", "Referendum: La carica dei 100, i nuovi senatori regione per regione - Referendum", "Riforma costituzionale: il procedimento legislativo dal singolare al plurale - Altalex", "Riforma costituzionale. Date: 11/22/2016. Il programma della giornata in Valle Susa prevede [103], Financial markets were not particularly affected by the defeat of the constitutional reform: the Milan stock exchange closed the Monday session on stable (−0.2% on respect of previous Friday closing, before the vote),[104] while on Tuesday 6 December the stock index jumped at +4.15% (best result since 11 March 2016). Fondazione Besso – Largo di Torre Argentina, 11 – ore 16.00. Uno scatto per il NO riforma costituzionale 4 dicembre 2016. For all other laws, the vote of the Senate is optional and can be overruled by a second vote of the Chamber of Deputies. [20] Some opposition parties, predominantly Five Star Movement, Lega Nord and Italian Left, and also some newspapers like Il Fatto Quotidiano and Il manifesto, accused Renzi of turning the referendum into a plebiscite on his premiership with those comments. Evenimenti Nascite Morte Celebrazione Feste I … As part of his government's program, Renzi pledged to implement a number of reforms, including the abolition of the perfectly symmetric bicameralism, with a substantial decrease in the membership and power of the Senate. In April 2016, a paper called "Appello dei costituzionalisti" ("A Plea from Constitutional Scholars") was written by 56 law scholars (mainly constitutional law scholars), showing criticism of the proposed reform and their numerous concerns: among them are Francesco Amirante, Paolo Caretti, Lorenza Carlassare, Ugo De Siervo, Giovanni Maria Flick, Paolo Maddalena, Valerio Onida, Alfonso Quaranta and Gustavo Zagrebelsky. Former Presidents of the Republic are senators for life. U 4 di dicembre hè u 338esimu ghjornu (u 339esimu ghjornu s'è l'annata hè bisesta) di u calendariu gregorianu. Martin Kastler con decorrenza dal 4 dicembre 2008. [55] Document INFCIRC/290 de l'AIEA, décembre 1981. Spettacolare Secondo Impero. Domenica 4 dicembre alle ore 11 presso il Foyer del Teatro Carlo Felice ci sar un nuovo concerto della rassegna MusicAperitivoQuintetto di fiati del Teatro Carl After the first exit polls, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced in a midnight press conference that he would resign the next day. REFERENDUM POPOLARE CONFERMATIVO DEL 4 DICEMBRE 2016. Francesco Pancari. ore 11.15OGGI PASTICCIO IO COI COLORI NATURALIGiochiamo insieme agli animali per ricevere tutti i colori... alla fine realizziamo il nostro "pasticcio" naturale!Attività per famiglie con bim (In the pre-reform Constitution, the Parliament in joint session elects five judges. Tutta colpa del "No al referendum del 4 dicembre 2016". After several amendments were made to the proposed law by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the bill received its first approval on 13 October 2015 (Senate) and 11 January 2016 (Chamber), and, eventually, its second and final approval on 20 January 2016 (Senate) and 12 April 2016 (Chamber).[3]. [38] Such laws are adopted according to the unicameral legislative procedure: however, when modifications are proposed by an absolute majority of the members of the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies can override the proposals only by voting against them with an absolute majority of its members. Opponents to the referendum argue that the legislative procedures under the reformed Constitution would be much more than two, because of the several articles that introduce exceptions. The bill, put forward by the then Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi, and his centre-left Democratic Party, was first introduced by the government in the Senate on 8 April 2014. If one-third of the senators ask to review the bill, the Senate has 30 days to formulate amendments and send the bill back to the Chamber of Deputies. 350. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Maeci. its electoral law), referendums and other forms of popular consultation, Two judges of the Constitutional Court are elected by the Senate, three by the Chamber of Deputies. In accordance with Article 138 of the Constitution, a referendum was called after the formal request of more than one fifth of the members of both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies,[4] since the constitutional law had not been approved by a qualified majority of two-thirds in each house of parliament in the second vote. As well as effectively abolishing the current Senate, the package also included a new electoral law, aimed at giving the party that won the most votes in elections for the Chamber of Deputies a great many additional seats, allowing the formation of a stronger government. 1852-1870. Gli elettori residenti all'estero hanno il diritto di optare per il voto in Italia . 347. Date: 24/11/2016. Martin Kastler avec effet à compter du 4 décembre 2008. en République démocratique du Congo , le président Joseph Kabila trouve un accord avec l'opposition pour organiser une élection présidentielle, ce qui permet de mettre fin à la crise politique . The reform was approved by Prime Minister Renzi's coalition, without reaching a consensus among a plurality of the political parties in the Parliament. [56], "Almost 19,500,000 voters rejected the reform (59.11%), while nearly 13,500,000 voters approved it (40.88%). un attentat à Bagdad , revendiqué par l'État islamique, fait 27 morts et 53 blessés [4]. [26], The Government does not need to have the confidence of the new Senate, and the Senate cannot pass a motion of no confidence against the Government. [38], The Government can propose legislation to the Parliament on matters that are not reserved to the State, when this is required to protect the juridical or economic unity of Italy, or to protect national interests. "Carmelo BARBAGALLO: comunicato Stampa del 07/10/2016 Condividi su Twitter Condividi su Facebook! Once the text is received, the Parliament will be obliged to discuss it. On 15 January 2016, La Repubblica announced that Renzi had hired American political adviser Jim Messina – who had worked with Barack Obama[22] and David Cameron[22] and would later work for Mariano Rajoy[23] – to oversee the campaign for "Yes". The many legislative procedures (the paper identifies three) bring risks of uncertainties and conflicts. Watch Queue Queue Referendum 4 Dicembre 2016: No, Proprio No. [5] 59.11% of voters voted against the constitutional reform, meaning it did not come into effect. Provinces (the second-level administrative divisions of Italy) are removed from the Constitution, except for the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento. [19] However, strong disagreements between the two main parties (the People of Freedom and the Democratic Party) prevented the Parliament from deciding on a reform. [101][102] In his speech, Renzi assumed full responsibility for the referendum defeat. A reform bill proposed by Silvio Berlusconi's government was finally approved by the parliament in 2005. Documento IAEA INFCIRC/290 del dicembre 1981. Programma al museo d'Orsay dal 4 dicembre 2016. 2016-11-24. [13] A second bicameral committee (headed by Ciriaco De Mita, later replaced by Nilde Iotti) operated in 1992–1994,[14] followed in 1997 by the third committee headed by the leader of the Left Democrats, Massimo D'Alema. territorial subdivisions of Italy (regions, municipalities, metropolitan cities, and the special municipality of Rome), participation of Italy in the European Union (e.g. The so-called "concurrent competence", according to which State law legislates the principles that are later to be implemented by regional laws, is abolished. Then the deputies will take the final decision on the Senate's proposals and on the bill as a whole. The main points of criticism the paper raises are the following: Later, in May 2016, other 184 law scholars and professors of various disciplines (among whom Franco Bassanini, Massimo Bordignon, Stefano Ceccanti, Francesco Clementi, Carlo Fusaro, Claudia Mancina, Stefano Mannoni, Angelo Panebianco, Pasquale Pasquino, Francesco Pizzetti, Michele Salvati, Tiziano Treu) signed, instead, an appeal in favour of the constitutional reform. Prepari la valigia: ecco i numeri", "Gesuiti promuovono riforme: auspicabile vittoria sì a referendum. All legislation must be passed in the same text by both houses: whenever a bill is amended by either house, it must be sent to the other one in a process known as the, 95 senators are elected by the Regional Councils and by the Councils of the autonomous provinces of. The Government must have each house's confidence, and is responsible to both of them. In 2014–15 fourteen provinces were already replaced by "metropolitan cities" (that still exist in the reformed Constitution).

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