1.The Process of Lectio Divina A VERY ANCIENT art, practiced at one time by all Christians, is the technique known as lectio divina - a slow, contemplative praying of the Scriptures which enables the Bible, the Word of God, to become a means of union with God. IN BRIEF, one begins with restful silence, then gently reviews the events of a given period of time. La lectio divina ha chiare radici bibliche e un lungo esercizio monastico. Use whatever method is best for you and allow yourself to enjoy silence for a few moments. I’d suggest 30 minutes to read, reflect, and respond to the Holy Spirit’s promptings in Lectio Divina. A group leader coordinates the process and facilitates sharing. È tradizionalmente articolata nei quattro gradini della lectio ("lettura"), meditatio ("meditazione"), oratio ("preghiera"), contemplatio ("contemplazione"). Le lectio del 2018-2019. If instead of sharing with the group you prefer to pray silently , simply state this aloud and conclude your silent prayer with Amen. The active life is thus coming to see who we truly are and allowing ourselves to be remade into what God intends us to become. Dal Vangelo secondo Marco Mc 1, 21-28. PRACTICE - spiritual “activity” - referred in ancient times to our active cooperation with God's grace in rooting out vices and allowing the virtues to flourish. Each person allows the self to focus on one such offering. IN THE early monastic tradition contemplation was understood in two ways. In questa nostra piccola e artigianale officina dell’ascolto e della parola abbiamo già letto assieme a un variegato gruppo di laici il libro dell’ Esodo , La prima lettera di san Pietro , … FINALLY, lectio divina teaches us about ourselves. Was there a turning point or shift? Rejoice in the knowledge that God is with you in both words and silence, in spiritual activity and inner receptivity. Lectio on Life: Applying Lectio Divina to my personal Salvation History, Purpose: to apply a method of prayerful reflection to a life/work incident (instead of to a scripture passage). The noun lectio could be rendered as a reading which is sacred or better, a reading which is divine. LECTIO DIVINA is an ancient spiritual art that is being rediscovered in our day. People often ask us, “What are the best Scripture passages to use for Lectio Divina?” We have over seventy that we’ve found especially helpful (including the twenty passages below). No one who has ever been in love needs to be reminded that there are moments in loving relationships when words are unnecessary. The role of group facilitators or leaders is important, since they will be guiding the group through several periods of silence and reflection without the “interruption” of individual sharing until the end of the exercise. One person reads aloud (twice) the passage of scripture, as others are attentive to some segment that is especially meaningful to them. Then, after the silence, each member of the group shares what he or she has “heard” or “seen.”. Let’s go step-by-step on how to lead a Lectio Divina Group. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. I’ve been enjoying this Scripture prayer process and sharing it with small groups and larger communities of pastors and leaders since 2007. Gruppo Lectio Divina; Lectio Divina per i giovani; Catechisti; Gruppo famiglia; Realtà Parrocchiali . La lectio divina è una antica pratica tradizione monastica di studio e meditazione della Bibbia, venuta in auge nelle comunità parrocchiali e nelle associazioni laicali negli anni del post-Concilio.In Italia la sua divulgazione è legata in particolar modo al lavoro del Cardinal Martini, anche se la sua diffusione è stata dovuta a un gran numero di biblisti, di comunità e di singoli fedeli. With yo… Memorize it and slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Silence for 2-3 minutes. Very often our concerns, our relationships, our hopes and aspirations naturally intertwine with our pondering on the Scriptures, as has been described above. If not, you can read my article “Lectio Divina Groups” to learn more about this discipline and how it can be helpful for small groups. IN CONTEMPLATION we cease from interior spiritual doing and learn simply to be, that is to rest in the presence of our loving Father. One then recalls the setting, the circumstances; one seeks to discover how God seemed to be present or absent from the experience. BRUNO SECONDIN, La lettura orante della Parola.“Lectio divina” in comunità e in parrocchia. God teaches us in lectio divina what it means to be members of His royal priesthood - a people called to consecrate all of our memories, our hopes and our dreams to Christ. THOSE WHO who regularly practice this method of praying and sharing the Scriptures regularly find it to be an excellent way of developing trust within a group; it also is an excellent way of consecrating projects and hopes to Christ before more formal group meetings. In lectio divina we dare to believe that our loving Father continues to extend His embrace to us today. Experience yourself as the priest that you are. with our spiritual practice. You’ll want to customize your instructions to your group’s context, spiritual tradition, and maturity. Allow this inner pondering, this rumination, to invite you into dialogue with God. Le lectio del 2014-2015. He does not reach out and grab us; rather, He softly, gently invites us ever more deeply into His presence. Il mese scorso ben trentacinque adole-scenti di prima superiore hanno fatto la professione di fede. LECTIO DIVINA DOMENICA 28 GENNAIO 2018 . 7. c) In what ways did God seem to be present? At intervals the Lord invites us to cease from speaking so that we can simply rest in his embrace. It’s easy to use and inexpensive! 4. Silence for 2-3 minutes. 5. La lectio divina è lettura riflessiva e ascolto orante - da soli o in gruppo - di un passo della Bibbia, accolta come Parola di Dio. Sharing aloud: [A word or phrase that has attracted each person]. Scopri i libri della collana Lectio divina per ogni giorno dell'anno edita da Queriniana in vendita a prezzi scontati su IBS! Le lectio del 2015-2016. THEN TURN to the text and read it slowly, gently. a) Recollect the setting, sensory details, sequence of events, etc. Your deeper needs, brokenness, or sin struggles are best shared with your confidantes. today/this week.”, 9. Reflect on “I believe that God wants me to . Sharing aloud: at somewhat greater length the results of each one's reflection. The first time the group sits in silence, the second time the group is invited to offer reflections, the third time the group offers prayers, and the fourth time the group sits in silence again. And give to Him what you have discovered in yourself during your experience of meditatio. Martedì 1 dicembre 2020 3 Mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020 4 Giovedì 3 dicembre 2020 6 Venerdì 4 dicembre 2020 7 ... Mi metto al posto della gente: mi considero appartenente al gruppo dei piccoli o dei dottori? We feel it’s helpful to let those disciplines remain more separate and to keep Lectio Divina in the Benedictine tradition of heart-engaging listening, quiet prayer, and personal sharing. Also, Lectio is not a support group in which people share their personal needs and pray for each other. Il Gruppo Lectio è composto da giovani e adulti che hanno scelto di crescere nella fede attraverso l'ascolto della Parola. Ed erano stupiti del suo insegnamento: egli infatti … Continua a leggere Viewed in only two dimensions it appears as a circular motion back and forth; seen with the added dimension of time it becomes a helix, an ascending spiral by means of which we are drawn ever closer to God. In His word we experience ourselves as personally loved by God; as the recipients of a word which He gives uniquely to each of us whenever we turn to Him in the Scriptures. Our approach to Lectio Divina is adapted from the Benedictine monks at Saint Andrews Abbey in Valyermo, CA. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Mt. In lectio divina we discover our own underlying spiritual rhythm. All share briefly (or remain in continuing silence). A suggested method for group lectio divina on life is given in the Appendix to this article. IN ANCIENT times contemplation was not regarded as a goal to be achieved through some method of prayer, but was simply accepted with gratitude as God's recurring gift. The lectio process is designed to help you as the leader to get out of the way and to direct everyone’s attention to the word and Spirit of Christ, as they are manifested in the content of the Bible text andin the process of meditating and praying on it. La pratica individuale o in gruppo della Lectio Divina può assumere diverse forme ma la descrizione di Guigo rimane sempre fondamentale. 128 likes. L’importante è pregare con la Parola ricordando quanto dicono i vescovi cattolici nel Concilio Vaticano II, e richiamando l’antica tradizione cattolica, ovvero che … Lectio Divina Sessions About The Practice About Todd Spencer Archives: “We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” ― Richard Rohr Get… 98-110; and in (2) An Invitation to Centering Prayer with and Introduction to Lectio Divina, by Basil Pennington and Luke Dysinger (Liguori/Triumph, 2001). Una parrocchia che accompagna con la lectio divina il cammino spirituale dei battezzati, sarà una comunità feconda nell’annuncio del Vangelo e capace di resistere all’individualismo e al protagonismo personale e di gruppo. Vol.1. € 17,50. The Lectio process is designed to help you as the leader to get out of the way and to direct everyone’s attention to the word and Spirit of Christ, as they are manifested in the content of the Bible text and in the process of meditating and praying on it. How are the various members of the group seeing or hearing Christ reach out to them through the text? Some approaches to Lectio Divina have a Bible study feel and others put emphasis on imagination as in Ignatian meditation. I have attended groups that have used the following approaches: • The facilitator reads the passage four times. Lectio Divina WHEN IN DOUBT Meditating and praying with Scripture using the ancient practice of lectio divina Listen Now Looking for a specific text? 1. . Members ask themselves what Christ in the text is calling them to do or to become today or this week. . Le lectio del 2013-2014. Using Lectio Divina as the basic structure for a small group is different than most other church-based small groups. Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. 3. Third reading by still another person. Sharing aloud: Briefly: “I hear, I see...”, (C) What Christ the Word Invites me to DO. We’re seeking to be formed more into the image of Christ, not accumulating intellectual knowledge. After full sharing, pray for the person to your right. In this oratio, this consecration-prayer, we allow our real selves to be touched and changed by the word of God. The way to lead a Lectio Divina Group is as an assistant to the Lord Jesus, seeking to draw everyone’s attention to him and what he’s saying and doing. IN lectio divina we offer ourselves to God; and we are people in motion. Le lectio del 2012-2013. FINALLY, SIMPLY rest in God's embrace. And when He invites you to return to your pondering of His word or to your inner dialogue with Him, do so. 10. È un modo molto semplice di pregare, sviluppato epraticato dai primi monaci. In this consecration-prayer we allow the word that we have taken in and on which we are pondering to touch and change our deepest selves. I’m assuming that you have some knowledge and experience with Benedict’s 6th Century way of reading and praying through a Bible text. The rule of thumb on vulnerability in self-disclosure from a leader is: Don’t share anything that is mostly unresolved for you or that you feel ashamed about but only share things in which you’ve experienced some grace and learning. Just as we constantly move back and forth in our exterior lives between speaking and listening, between questioning and reflecting, so in our spiritual lives we must learn to enjoy the refreshment of simply being in God's presence, an experience that naturally alternates (if we let it!) In this way, group members are not only drawn closer to one another, but also to the Lord who is present in the meeting. HOW DIFFERENT this ancient understanding is from our modern approach! In sum, lectio divina may be said to be a kind of divine picking or choosing of a given sentence, phrase or word through which God himself speaks. Per tradizione la Lectio Divina è una preghiera individuale, tuttavia è possibile farla in gruppo. 3. The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of our sacred Scriptures and he inspires proper reading/listening to it. 2. In ancient times this inner spiritual motion was described as a helix - an ascending spiral. Like the experience of lectio divina shared in community, this group experience of lectio on life can foster relationships in community and enable personal experiences to be consecrated - offered to Christ - in a concrete way. In lectio divina we recognize our underlying spiritual rhythm and discover many different ways of experiencing God's presence - many different ways of praying. I’ll be following along with the format of the Lectio Divina Guides on Soul Shepherding. To what extent was I aware then? In just the same way the steps or stages of lectio divina represent an oscillation back and forth between these spiritual poles. VEDI TUTTI GLI APPUNTAMENTI La Lectio Divina (lettura divina) è un modo di leggere la Scrittura che risale ai primi tempi del Cristianesimo. I componenti si riuniscono una volta la settimana per leggere, condividere e approfondire i passi della liturgia domenicale. Learn to use words when words are helpful, and to let go of words when they no longer are necessary. In other words, how is Christ the Word touching his own experience, his own life? Lectio Divina dicembre 2020 . It is challenging for us to keep our faith when trials, persecution, and all kind of difficulties come into our life. Some Christians focus for a few moments on their breathing; other have a beloved “prayer word” or “prayer phrase” they gently recite in order to become interiorly silent. Silence for 1-2 minutes. . A summary of this method for group lectio divina is appended at the end of this article. After the fourth reading, the members of the group are invited to repeat a word or phrase from the passage that resonated for them. Coro adulti; Coro bambini; Gruppo ministranti; Cura delle celebrazioni; Annuncio. Gruppo Crescita. (Another way to learn Lectio Divina is taking our online video course “Growing Deeper in God’s Word.”). CHOOSE a text of the Scriptures that you wish to pray. Our own personal story becomes “salvation history.”. It’s essential that the group is a safe place in which members don’t judge, advise, or reassure each other, but they listen with empathy and prayer. Wordless, quiet rest in the presence of the One Who loves us has a name in the Christian tradition - contemplatio, contemplation. 1. THE SECOND reading (by a member of the opposite sex from the first reader) is for the purpose of “hearing” or “seeing” Christ in the text.
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