[173] He also abolished the €25,000 annual bonus paid to the cardinals serving on the Board of Supervisors for the Vatican bank. Jim Yardley & Laurie Goodstein (18 June 2015). [255] Most of the new cardinals come from the peripheries of the church and developing countries. Many media reported him as being the first non-European pope, but he is actually the 11th; the previous was Gregory III from Syria, who died in 741. [358] While in Ireland he apologized for abuses by clergy in the United States and Ireland. Bergoglio was never mentioned. [169], On 16 March 2013, Pope Francis asked all those in senior positions of the Roman Curia to provisionally continue in office. Argentina's Kirchner and Pope Francis meet in Rome", "Página 12 sacó notas de Verbitsky sobre Bergoglio y la dictadura", "Vatican releases Pope Francis' coat of arms, motto and ring", "Pope stresses simplicity, ecumenism in inaugural Mass plans", "Pope Francis's missing lung should not be a problem, say doctors", "Sorry, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not the first non-European pope", "Pope Francis brings no-frills style to papacy", "Pope Francis wants a 'poor Church for the poor, "Pope visits ailing Argentine cardinal in hospital", Audience to Representatives of the Communications Media – Address of the Holy Father Pope Francis, "Pope Francis: 13 key facts about the new pontiff", "Francis and those humble gestures by the Pope, he does not sit on a throne, paying the bill at the hotel", News analysis sidebar to "Pope Francis delivers Easter plea for peace", "Can't chant, can't speak English? Franco Origlia/Getty Images. [122] The campaign to enact same-sex marriage legislation was a particularly tense period in their relations. [247], At the first consistory of his papacy, held on 22 February 2014, Francis created 19 new cardinals. Stemma di papa Francesco: spiegazione dello scudo e del motto, Bollettino della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum; habemus Papam Franciscum, Papa Francesco, chi è Jorge Mario Bergoglio primo pontefice sudamericano della storia, Il padre di Papa Francesco salpò da Genova nel 1928 per Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio è il nuovo papa Francesco ha radici astigiane, Le origini astigiane del nuovo Papa. [130] The only concern would be decreased respiratory reserve if he had a respiratory infection. Età carlo di francesco, Padre di mila di codra, Cosi pompe del pene sono utilizzati probabilmente da migliaia di uomini prima di dal nostro corpo, specialmente durante le erezioni Quindi la differenza Carlo. [277], Pope Francis' naming of himself after Francis of Assisi was an early indication of how he shared Francis' care for all of creation. Cardinal Bergoglio Elected Pope Francis", "Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina Named as New Pope of the Roman Catholic Church", "White smoke: Cardinals elect new pope on fifth ballot", "Pope Francis elected after supernatural 'signs' in the Conclave, says Cardinal", "Habemus Papam: New Pope, new lifestyle in the Vatican", "Pope Francis' personality begins to change routines", "Pope Francis delivers first blessing, asks world for prayers | Reuters", "Pope Francis in plea for poor as inauguration Mass held", "Pope Francis explains decision to take St Francis of Assisi's name", "New Pope Francis visits St. Mary Major, collects suitcases and pays bill at hotel", CNN Vatican analyst: Pope Francis' name choice 'precedent shattering', Pope Francis explains name, calls for church 'for the poor', "Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor, "Pope Francis: How the first New World pontiff could save the church", "Vatican: It's Pope Francis, not Pope Francis I", Pope Francis charms media in first press address, "Francis once thought of taking the name John, after Pope John XXIII", "Francis drops first hint that reform may be real", "Gozitan Mgr Alfred Xuereb appointed Pope's official secretary", "Pope appoints Franciscan to religious congregation", "Pope scraps Vatican staff bonuses, directs money to charity", "Pope taps eight cardinals to lead reform", "Pope Francis sets up a group of eight cardinals to advise him", "Catholic MPs urge Pope Francis to allow ordination of married men", "Jerusalem prelate urges pope to visit holy city", "Chaldean prelate invites pope to visit Iraq", "Pope washes feet of two girls, two Muslims at youth prison", "Pope Francis makes pleas for peace on Easter Sunday", "Pope Francis delivers Easter plea for peace", "Pope Francis makes an Easter plea for peace", "Pope backs reform of US sisters' leadership conference", "Pope Upholds Reprimand of American Nuns' Group", "David Uebbing, "Pope backs reform of US sisters' leadership conference", Catholic News Agency, 15 April 2013", Vatican Ends Battle With U.S. Catholic Nuns' Group, "Francis canonises first saints of his papacy", "Pope Francis approves new constitution for Synod of Bishops", "Pope Francis, everyman pontiff: Profile", "Pope Francis faces church divided over doctrine, global poll of Catholics finds", "Poll: Catholic Beliefs at Odds With Vatican Doctrine", Vatican: Synod of Bishops – Extraordinary General Assembly – Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization – Preparatory Document, Vatican City 2013, "Roman Catholic Church refuses survey request", "New Poll: 'Faithful Catholics' an Endangered Species", "U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke: Pope Francis opposes abortion and gay marriage", "Lombardi: No cardinal believes in changing Church doctrine", "Pope Francis condemns global 'cult of money, "Vatican bank faces review by Pope Francis commission", "BBC News – Monsignor Nunzio Scarano held in Vatican bank inquiry", "Update on the case of Mons. [275] He strongly opposed clericalism[276] and made women full members of the Church's dicasteries in Rome. He established two new Secretariats (top-level departments) in the Roman Curia: the Secretariat for the Economy, and the Secretariat for Communications. "Pope Francis, in Sweeping Encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Climate Change". He went on to place a statue in St. Peter's Square to bring attention to the Christian imperative involved in their situation (Hebrews 13:2). [87] La Stampa reported that Bergoglio was in close contention with Ratzinger during the election, until he made an emotional plea that the cardinals should not vote for him. [96] The interview with Rubin, reflected in the biography El jesuita, is the only time Bergoglio has spoken to the press about those events. [308], Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, maintained that Amoris Laetitia should only be interpreted in line with previous doctrine. Francis is the first Jesuit pope , the first from the Americas , the first from the Southern Hemisphere , and the first pope from outside Europe since the Syrian Gregory III , who reigned in the 8th century. [339] Paloma García Ovejero, deputy director of the Holy See Press Office, stated that "the honorific of the St. Gregory the Great Pontifical Order that Liliane Ploumen, then Minister for Development, received in June 2017, during the visit of the Dutch royal family to the Holy Father, is part of the diplomatic praxis of the exchange of decorations among delegations during official visits between heads of state and government to the Vatican. [116], The Justicialist Party won the 2001 elections and got the majority in the Congress, and appointed Ramón Puerta as president of the Senate. [286][287] The statement was also interpreted as supportive of LGBT adoption.[4][5][288]. [124][125] Página/12 removed their controversial articles about Bergoglio, written by Horacio Verbitsky, from their web page, as a result of this change. He changed history. [46], He spent several months at the Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt, Germany, considering possible dissertation topics. Francesco Facchinetti biografia: chi è, età, altezza, peso, figli, moglie, tatuaggi, Instagram e vita privata. NEW POPE: Who is this man named Bergoglio? [74] When he turned 75 in December 2011, Bergoglio submitted his resignation as archbishop of Buenos Aires to Pope Benedict XVI as required by canon law. Condividi su Facebook. He wrote: "I think often of persecuted peoples: the Rohingya [Muslims in Myanmar], the poor Uighurs, the Yazidi — what ISIS did to them was truly cruel — or Christians in Egypt and Pakistan killed by bombs that went off while they prayed in church." 7 February 1948), the Pope's only living sibling, they did not emigrate for economic reasons. [47] He settled on exploring the work of the German / Italian theologian Romano Guardini, particularly his study of 'Contrast' published in his 1925 work Der Gegensatz. [409], Bishops consecrated by Pope Francis as principal consecrator, Latin Church, also known as the 'Western Church', the largest, Pontifical knighthood for abortion rights activist, Press reports have provided a variety of translations for the phrase. The texts of the encyclical Laudato si' and Evangelii gaudium were used. [227] Francis canonized his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II on 27 April 2014 and canonized six additional saints the following 23 November. He led the Argentine Church during the December 2001 riots in Argentina. Pope says it's because he's tone-deaf", "Pope Francis to live in Vatican guesthouse, not papal apartments", "Pope Francis opts for Vatican guesthouse instead of spacious papal apartment", "Habemus Papam! Dic 28, 2020. He called not for "a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases," but "a responsible personal and pastoral discernment of particular cases." Considerato il Papa della svolta, del cambiamento, del rinnovamento della Chiesa. Pregate per me", La croce di papa Francesco è opera mia: che emozione, L'argentino Bergoglio è Papa Francesco:«Vengo dalla fine del mondo...», Padre Lombardi: il Papa indossa la croce pettorale di quando era vescovo, Papa: «Come vorrei una Chiesa povera» E spiega perché ha scelto il nome Francesco (con video), Discorso di Papa Francesco nell'udienza ai rappresentanti dei media, Le parole del Papa alla recita dell'Angelus, Il Papa sceglie l'austerity: l'anello del pescatore non sarà d'oro, Lo Stemma di Papa Francesco, Jorge Mario Bergoglio: miserando atque eligendo, Papa, pranzo con la presidente argentina. Il ruolo della Chiesa nella dittatura argentina, Padre Lombardi: Papa, nessuna compromissione con la dittatura, El Papa no tenía vínculos con la dictadura, Il Nobel Esquivel: «Bergoglio mai colluso con dittatura», Papa: Perez Esquivel, false accuse su collusioni, Desaparecidos: «Papa mai colluso con dittatura», Ithurburu: continguità tra Bergoglio e dittatura? [64], On 6 November 1998, while remaining archbishop of Buenos Aires, he was named ordinary for those Eastern Catholics in Argentina who lacked a prelate of their own church.
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